Camera is the starting point of perceiving the world, and it is one of the most components in the computer vision/graphics library. This post discusses the implementation of a pinhole camera model WITHOUT lens distortion. Please refer to camera part 3 for camera with lens distortion.

The camera class should have the following methods:

  • constructor
    • projection matrix;
    • intrinsic matrix (\(K\)), rotation matrix (\(R\)), translation (\(t\));
    • parameters: intrinsics (\(f_x, f_y, c_x, c_w, \alpha\)), extrinsics (\(om_1, om_2, om_3, t_1, t_2, t_3\)).
  • update projection matrix (\(P\)): update_projection();
  • update intrinsic matrix (\(K\)), rotation matrix (\(R\)), translation (\(t\)): update_matrices();
  • update parameters: update_parameters();
  • update camera center: update_center();
  • update axes: update_axes();
  • pixel to ray: pixel2ray();
  • project from 3D point to 2D point: Vec2f project(const Vec3f&);
  • re-project from 2D point to 3D point: Vec3f unproject(const Vec2f&, const int d)
  • compute depth: compute_depth()
  • possiblly more

header file

The header file of the camera class

class Camera
    Camera(const std::vector<float>& r_intrinsics, const std::vector<float>& r_extrinsics);
    Camera(const Mat34f& r_projection);
    Camera(const Mat3f& R, const Vec3f& t);
    Camera(const Mat3f& K, const Mat3f& R, const Vec3f& t);
    virtual ~Camera();
    void update_projection();
    void update_parameters();
    void update_matrices(const int is_proj = 1);
    void update_center();
    void update_axes();
    int decompose(Mat3f & K, Mat3f& R) const;

    const Mat34f& projection() const;
    Mat34f& projection();
    const Vec3f& direction() const;
    Vec3f& direction();
    const Vec3f& center() const;
    Vec3f& center();
    Vec3f pixel2ray(const Vec2f& pixel) const;
    Vec3f project(const Vec4f& coord) const;
    Vec4f unproject(const Vec3f& icoord) const;
    float compute_depth(const Vec4f& coord) const;
    Vec3f center_; // optical center
    Vec3f oaxis_; // optical axis
    Vec3f xaxis_; // x-axis of the camera-centered coordinate system
    Vec3f yaxis_; // y-axis of the camera-centered coordinate system
    Vec3f zaxis_; // z-axis of the camera-centered coordinate system
    Mat34f projection_; // projection matrix
    Mat3f K_; // intrinsic matrix
    Mat3f R_; // rotation
    Vec3f om_; // axis-angle
    Vec3f t_; // translation
    std::vector<float> intrinsics_; // intrinsic params: f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y, alpha
    std::vector<float> extrinsics_; // extrinsic params: om(0), om(1), om(2), t(0), t(1), t(2);

Decompose projection matrix \(P\)

The camera matrix, or often named projection matrix is a \(3\times 4\) matrix. Sometimes a fourth row \([0, 0, 0, 1]\) is added to make a \(4\times 4\) matrix. Let’s denote the camera matrix as \(P\), and \(P\) is often decomposed into

\[P=\left[ M \vert -MC \right]\]

where \(M\) is an invertible \(3\times 3\) matrix, and \(C\) is the camera center in the world coordinates. The camera matrix can be further decomposed into an intrinsic matrix \(K\), and an extrinsic one, \(\left[ R \vert - RC \right]\):

\[P = K\left[R | -RC\right]\]

The properties of these matrices are:

  • \(K\) is a upper-triangular matrix, which is usually represented as \(\begin{bmatrix} f_x & s & c_x \\ 0 & f_y & c_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\), where \(f_x\), and \(f_y\) are the focal length, and \(c_x\) and \(c_y\) are the center of the image plane, all in pixel;
  • \(R\) is a orthonormal matrix, where each column is the axes of the world coordinates in the camera’s coordinate system. It’s apprent in the following example: \([r_1^\top \vert r_2^\top \vert r_3^\top]\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} = r_1^\top\);
  • \(C\) is the camera center in the world coordinate system, while \(t=-RC\) is the world origin in the camera coordinate system since \(\left[ R\vert -RC \right]\begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}=-RC\).

Estimate \(K\) and \(Rt\) from projection matrix \(P\)

We know that all full rank matrices can be decomposed into an upper-triangular matrix and an orthogonal matrix by using RQ-decomposition, and this is exactly the case with \(K\) and \(R\). RQ decomposition is normally unavailable in many numeric libraries. A nice post in Solem’s vision blog gives an implementation of this decomposition in Python, a Matlab implementation is given in this post.

function [R Q] = rq(M)
    [Q,R] = qr(flipud(M)')
    R = flipud(R');
    R = fliplr(R);

    Q = Q';   
    Q = flipud(Q);

The problem of RQ-decomposition is that the solution is not unique, since negating the sign of any column of K and the corresponding row of R gives the exactly same projection matrix. We may enforce the diagonal elements of \(K\) to be non-negative, but it is true under the following conditions:

  • the X/Y axes of the image coordinate system are in the same direction as those of the camera coordinate system;
  • the camera looks down in the positive \(z-\) direction.

Solem’s post gives the positive diagonal elements in the following code:

% non-negative diagonal elements
T = sign(K);
K = K * T;
R = T * R % the inverse of T is itself

Enforcing this assumption might be unjustified for cases mentioned above. Thus, we need to carry out several steps to correct \(K\) and \(R\) from the non-negative decomposition.

  1. If the image \(x-\)axis and camera \(x-\)axis point in opposite directions, negate the first column of \(K\) and the first row of \(R\).
  2. If the image \(y-\)axis and camera \(y-\)axis point in opposite directions, negate the second column of \(K\) and the second row of \(R\).
  3. If the camera looks down the negative\(-z\) axis, negate the third column of \(K\) and negate the third column of \(R\).
  4. If the determinant of \(R\) is -1, negate it.

Conventions of image coordinate system

  • Matlab-style:
    • origin: top-left
    • \(x-\)axis: point right
    • \(y-\)axis: point down
  • Math-style:
    • origin: bottom-left
    • \(x-\)axis: point right
    • \(y-\)axis: point up

Conventions of camera coordinate system

  • OpenGL-style:
    • \(x-\)axis: point right
    • \(y-\)axis: point up
    • camera looks down the negative \(z-\)axis
  • Hartley&Zisserman-style:
    • \(x-\)axis: point right
    • \(y-\)axis: point down
    • camera looks down the positive \(z-\)axis

Update \(C\)

Decompose \(C\) is the easiest, since \(M\) is invertible, and \(-MC\) is the fourth column of the camera matrix \(P\), thus

\[C = -M^{-1}P(:, 4)\]

Update axes

Pixel to ray

Project from 3D to 2D

Re-project from 2D to 3D

Compute depth