This Jekyll theme is developed by Maruan Al-Shedivat, which is modified from the original template -folio developed by Lia Bogoev. Thanks to those two for this clean, and simplistic design.

code highlighter

Switch from python-based highlighter highlighter to ruby-based highlighter rouge.

Install Rouge

gem install kramdown rouge

Make sure that the version of kramdown is at least 1.5.0.

Use Rouge

In the _config.yml, change from highlighter: pygments to highlighter: rouge,

markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rough

# Markdown Processing
  input: GFM
  syntax_highlighter: rouge

This tells Jekyll to use kramdown when parsing markdown files and to pass the two settings to kramdown whenever it’s running.


Rouge is compatible with the Pygments syntax highlighter, which means that we can use stylesheets created for Pygments.

My Jekyll template use the _syntax_highlighting.scss located in _scss for highlighting. This file contains the default style sheet for syntax highlighter. If you website don’t have this file, then find out which file is responsible for the syntax highlighting, and then copy the content of syntex.css into this file. Otherwise, you can do the following:

  1. Select a Pygments theme, for instance monokai.css;
  2. Copy the css file of theme monokai.css to blog_root_dir/[assets]/css/ directory;
  3. Open blog_root_dir/[assets]/css/main.css and add the selected theme:
    @import url(monokai.css);

    One more step: all the Pygments themes use .codehilite as the default class. Thus we need to replace .codehilite with .highlight in the theme css file.

There is a project called base16 for color schemes. On the preview website you can see how they look like. The themes as they are packaged cannot be directly consumed by rouge. Fortunately though, there is a git repo with base16 styles for pygments.

truncate post

See the original post.

{% if post.content contains '<!--more-->' %}
  {{ post.content | split:'<!--more-->' | first }}
{% else %}
  {{ post.excerpt }}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ post.url }}">read more</a>

.DS_Store and .sass-cache dir

Add a .gitignore file with the following entries


If those have already been staged, then first execute these two commands

find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatch # remove .DS_Store
git rm -r --cache .sass-cache/ # remove .sass-cache