RANSAC is short for Random SAmple Consensus, which is an iterative method to estimate parameters of a mathematical model from a set of observed data that contains outliers. It can be incorporated to estimate many key matrices in vision, such as homography, fundamental/essential matrix, etc. This post aims to develop a general framework so that RANSAC could be easier applied to existing estimation algorithms. The code is modified from the code originally written by Ziv Yaniv.

There are two separate classes:

  • Parameter_Estimator: this is a super-class that each estimation class need to extend. It defines the interfaces for estimating parameters of the model. Classes inherit from this class are used by the Ransac class to perform robust parameter estimation.
  • Ransac: this class implements the RANSAC framework, a framework for robust parameter estimation.

Header files


This class has the following methods:

  • estimate: exact estimation, which uses the minimal amount of data
  • ls_estimate: estimation of parameters using over-determined data, so that the solution minimizes a least squares cost function.
#ifndef param_estimator_
#define param_estimator_

#include <vector>

using std::vector;

namespace open3DCV

template<class T, class S>
class Param_Estimator
    Param_Estimator(unsigned int min_data) : min_num_data_(min_data) { }
    virtual void estimate(vector<T>& data, vector<S>& params) = 0;
    virtual void ls_estimate(vector<T>& data, vector<S>& params) = 0;
    virtual int check_inliers(vector<S>& params, T& data) = 0;
    unsigned int num_data() const { return min_num_data_; }
    unsigned int min_num_data_;



This class takes an instance of the Param_Estimator as one of the parameters, and estimate the parameters using RANSAC.

#ifndef ransac_h_
#define ransac_h_

#include "estimator/param_estimator.h"
#include "estimator/fundamental.h"

namespace open3DCV
template<class T, class S>
class Ransac
    // - params:            a vector containing the estimated parameters
    // - param_estimator:   an instance which can estimate the desired parameters by either an exact
    //                      fit or a least squares fit
    // - data:              the input from which the parameters will be estimated
    // - prob_wo_outlieres: the probability that at least one of the selected subsets doens't contain an outlier,
    //                      must be in (0, 1).
    static float estimate(Param_Estimator<T, S>* param_estimator,
                          std::vector<T>& data,
                          std::vector<S>& params,
                          float prob_wo_outliers);
    // has to be static
    static unsigned int choose(unsigned int n, unsigned int m);
    class Subset_Ind_Cmp
        int length_;
        Subset_Ind_Cmp(int length) : length_(length) { }
        bool operator() (const int* arr1, const int* arr2) const
            for (int i = 0; i < length_; ++i)
                if (arr1[i] < arr2[i])
                    return true;
                else if (arr1[i] > arr2[i])
                    return false;
            return false;


Select random data

Uniqueness of selected data
