This tutorial introduces all open3DCV related data types.

This library is still under active development, thus the definitions may be constantly updated, this page may not be updated as constantly to reflect the latest versions.


Keypoint type


enum KeypointType
    INVALID = -1,
    DOG = 0,
    HARRIS = 1,
    SIFT = 2,
    SURF = 3,



class Keypoint
    Keypoint(const Vec2f &r_x);
    Keypoint(const Vec2f &r_x, unsigned int r_i);
    Keypoint(const Vec2f &r_x, unsigned int r_i, const Vec3i &r_c);
    Keypoint(const Vec2f &r_x, const float r_s, const float r_o);
    Keypoint(const Keypoint& key);
    Keypoint& operator=(const Keypoint& key);
    virtual ~Keypoint() { };
    const Vec2f &coords() const;
    Vec2f& coords();
    const unsigned int& index() const;
    unsigned int& index();
    const Vec3i& color() const;
    Vec3i& color();
    const double& scale() const;
    double& scale();
    const int has_scale() const;
    const double& orientation() const;
    double& orientation();
    const int has_orientation() const;
    bool operator<(const Keypoint& rhs) const;
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostr, const Keypoint& rhs);
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& istr, Keypoint& rhs);
    static int is_identical(const Keypoint& key1, const Keypoint& key2);

    // The difference between the implemented Keypoint and VLFeat is that the latter assumes that
    // the image origin (top-left corner) has coordinate (0,0) as opposed to (1,1)
    Vec2f coords_;                      // coordinates
    unsigned int index_;                // Image index
    Vec3i color_;                       // color
    double scale_;                      // scale
    double orientation_;                // orientation
    std::pair<int, int> id_;            // id of the feature, <img_ind, feat_ind>, not used
    KeypointType keypoint_type_;        // keypoint type, not used

Sift parameters


class SiftParam
    SiftParam(int num_octaves,
              int num_levels,
              int first_octave,
              float edge_thresh,
              float peak_thresh,
              float norm_thresh,
              float magnif,
              float window_size);
    SiftParam(int num_octaves,
              int num_levels,
              int first_octave,
              float edge_thresh,
              float peak_thresh);
    SiftParam(int num_octaves,
              int num_levels,
              int first_octave);
    SiftParam(const SiftParam& SiftParam);
    /********** Detector parameters **********/
    // number of octave of the DoG scale space.
    int num_octaves_;
    // number of levels per octave of the DoG scale space.
    int num_levels_;
    // index of the first octave of the DoG scale space.
    int first_octave_;
    // peak selection threshold, decrease to eliminate more keypoints
    float edge_thresh_;
    // non-edge selection threshold, increase to eliminate more keypoints
    float peak_thresh_;
    /********** Descriptor parameters **********/
    // Set the minimum l2-norm of the descriptors before normalization.
    // Descriptors below the threshold are set to zero.
    float norm_thresh_;
    // Set the descriptor magnification factor. The scale of the
    // keypoint is multiplied by this factor to obtain the width (in
    // pixels) of the spatial bins. For instance, if there are 
    // 4 spatial bins along each spatial direction, the
    // ``side'' of the descriptor is approximatively 4 * MAGNIF.
    float magnif_;
    // Set the variance of the Gaussian window that determines the
    // descriptor support. It is expressend in units of spatial bins.
    float window_size_;
    bool root_sift_;
    /* Upright sift enables only a single descriptor to be extracted at a given
     * location. This is useful for SfM for a number of reasons, especially during
     * geometric verification.
    bool upright_sift_;



class DMatch
    DMatch () {};
    DMatch (const int r_ikey1, const int r_ikey2, const float dist) :
        ind_key_(r_ikey1, r_ikey2), dist_(dist) {};
    DMatch (const int r_ikey1, const int r_ikey2, const Vec2f r_pt1, const Vec2f r_pt2, const float dist) :
        ind_key_(r_ikey1, r_ikey2), point_(r_pt1, r_pt2), dist_(dist) {};
    DMatch (const DMatch& match) :
        ind_key_(match.ind_key_), point_(match.point_), dist_(match.dist_) {};
    const float& dist() const;
    std::pair<int, int> ind_key_;
    std::pair<Vec2f, Vec2f> point_;
    float dist_;



class Pair
    Pair(const int cam1, const int cam2);
    Pair(const int cam1, const int cam2, const std::vector<std::pair<Vec2f, Vec2f> >& matches);
    Pair(const int cam1, const int cam2, const std::vector<DMatch>& matches);
    void init(const int ind_cam1, const int ind_cam2);
    void update_matches(const int* vote_inlier);
    void update_intrinsics(const float f, const int w, const int h);
    bool operator<(const Pair& rhs) const;
    float baseline_angle() const;
    std::vector<int> cams_;
    std::vector<DMatch> matches_;
    Mat3f F_;
    Mat3f E_;
    std::vector<Mat3f> intrinsics_mat_;
    std::vector<Mat34f> extrinsics_mat_;



class Track
    Track(const Track& track);
    Track& operator=(const Track& track);
    virtual ~Track();
    int size() const; // length of the feature track
    const Keypoint &operator[](int index) const;
    void add_keypoint(const Keypoint &k);
    void rm_keypoint(int index);
    std::vector<Keypoint>::iterator key_begin();
    std::vector<Keypoint>::iterator key_end();
    static int has_overlapping_keypoints(const Track& track1, const Track& track2);
    static void find_overlapping_keypoints(const Track& track1, const Track& track2, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >& ind_key);
    std::vector<Keypoint> keys_; // the collection of keypoint correspondences



class Structure_Point
    Structure_Point(const Vec3f &coord);
    Structure_Point(const Vec3f &coord, const Vec3i &color);
    Structure_Point& operator=(const Structure_Point& struct_pt);
    virtual ~Structure_Point();
    const Vec3f &coords() const;
    Vec3f &coords();
    const Vec3i &color() const;
    Vec3i &color();
    Vec3f p_; // The x,y,z coordinates, better is it's of double
    Vec3i c_; //!< The r,g,b color components (0-255 for each)



class Graph
    Graph(const Pair& pair);
    Graph(const Graph& graph);
    Graph& operator=(const Graph& graph);
    void init(const Graph& graph);
    void init(const Pair& pair);
    int index(int icam) const;
    int sz_cams() const; // number of cameras;
    int sz_tracks() const; // number of feature tracks;
    void add_track(const Track& track);
    void rm_track(int index);
    void add_struct_pt(const Structure_Point& struct_pt);
    void rm_struct_pt(int index);
    void rm_outliers(const float thresh_reproj, const float thresh_angle);
    bool operator<(const Graph& rhs) const;
    float baseline_angle() const;
    static void merge_graph(Graph& graph1, Graph& graph2);
    static void merge_tracks(Track& track1, const Track& track2, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >& ind_key);
    static int find_next_graph(const std::vector<Graph>& graphs, const Graph& graph, std::vector<int>& merged_graph);
    static void report_graph(const Graph& graph);

    int ncams_;
    std::vector<int> cams_;
    std::vector<Mat3f> intrinsics_mat_;
    std::vector<Mat34f> extrinsics_mat_;
    std::vector<Track> tracks_;
    std::vector<Structure_Point> structure_points_;