Pinhole camera model - a C++ implementation
Camera is the starting point of perceiving the world, and it is one of the most components in the computer vision/graphics library. This post discusses the implementation of a pinhole camera model WITHOUT lens distortion. Please refer to camera part 3 for camera with lens distortion.
Interpretation of transformations and the relation with the coordinate system
This is a post of useful notes and tricks on transformation for future reference.
Camera models
This post give an introduction to various camera models, and specifically focuses on the pinhole camera model.
Depth map estimation using multi-view stereo
This post talks about the algorithmic details and implementation of depth map estimation using multi-view stereo technique. The method is proposed in Secion 5, 6 of the paper Multi-View Stereo for Community Photo Collections (pdf). The MVE has a C++ implementation of the algorithms (source code).
Physics-based vision
Since I first got exposed to this topic - physics based vision, there is only one thing in my mind: it’s hard, and I hate it. Yet, I spent a lot of time reading textbooks, articles, papers, trying to understand the intuition and math. But this area is so vastly broad and after a while, the only recollection I had started to fade away. That’s why I decided to write this post, put down everything that I can or cannot understand.
Methods for non-linear least squares problems
The content in this post is not original, the reference list is at the end of the post.
UNIX is simple, it just takes a genius to understand its simplicity. — Dennis Ritchie
The Math of Stereo Triangulation
This post discusses the problem of stereo triangulation, which is estimating the position of a 3D point from two corresponding image points. We present the derivation in a coordinate-free fashion first, then introduce coordinates later.
PLY file read and write
The PLY file format was developed at Stanford University. Some well-known models in Computer Graphics, such as the models of The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository (including the Stanford Bunny, Happy Buddha and Dragon), the models of the Large Geometric Models Archive, and the Power Plant Model are in the PLY format.
Voxel in an octree - a c++ implementation